Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Bucket List (also posted on V-formation blog) by Michele Ashman Bell

I'm not sure if someone already posted about this or not, but if i can't remember, then hopefully you can't either! Anyway . . . my family and I recently watched the movie, "The Bucket List." It got me thinking about living life to its fullest and leaving this earth without regrets. Not long after I watched this movie Larry Miller passed away. I felt sadness at his passing, for the loss of a man who has shaped this community. He was much too young to leave this earth. I couldn't help think that as much money as he had, when it came to his health it didn't help him. Do you take your health for granted? I know I do. I exercise regularly, but I could do better. Do you eat healthy? I try, but I have a mad sweet tooth and give in to it much too often. Do you get enough sleep? I'm lucky if I get six hours. If you're like me, it's probably time to reassess how well we take care of ourselves and make changes.
Back to the Bucket List. I loved the premise behind this story. Basically two men meet in the hospital, both are battling cancer. They make up a list of things they want to do before they die, then, they go and do them.
What would be on your bucket list?
I read a quote by one of the general authorities (I'm too lazy to research it, but I'm thinking it was President Benson) that was geared to the youth and basically said, "decide now the things you want to make sure happen in your life, don't leave important things up to chance." As a youth, most lists would include an education, mission, marriage and having a family. Since I'm passed that stage of life, and some of you are too, I think we should all write down the things we don't want to leave up to chance. I think we should make up a Bucket List. I also think it should be a list that you don't hold back your greatest wishes and dreams. Shoot for the stars. The sky's the limit. You get the idea.
What's on my list??? Gee, thanks for asking:-)
1) I want to travel through Europe with my family. They all want to go and I want to go back. I want to go to Paris this time, I want to go back to Salzburg and Neuschwanstein, and I want to go to Great Britain too. I want to take my time and really soak in the culture.
2) I want to see one of my books, or a screenplay I write, get made into a movie. I know what you're thinking, but I am shooting for the stars after all.
3) I want to meet Doris Day. She lives in Carmel, California. I was in Monterrey and didn't have time to track her down. Her movies have brought me great joy. She's a wonderful person. I would love to meet her.
4) I want to buy a cul-de-sac and have all my children live in houses around me. (I know, that is seriously so mental, but I do think about it) I want my sisters and their families there too.
5) Speaking of my sisters, I want to take them to New York. We might actually go this summer when I pick up my daughter from her summer intensive.
6) Speaking of my daughter, I want to watch dance a professional ballet (this involves her having the same dream so it takes some coordinating of Bucket/Wish lists. I've checked, this is on her list too.)
7) I want to go on a mission with my sweetheart of a husband. Somewhere warm. I'll die if it's cold. I already did that. Warm is better.
8) I want to visit all the temples in the world. (wipe that smile off your face! Growing up there were only like 15 temples and it was actually possible) Okay, I'd make a top ten list and start with that.
9) I want to be on "Dancing with the Stars." I wish they would make a show called, "Dancing with the Regular People," cuz then I'd have a chance.
10) I want to sit inside the temple with all my children and their spouses. That would totally be heaven on earth.
11) I want to sleep 8 hours.
What's on your Bucket List????

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Everyone Can Use a New Cookboook

I don't know about you but the worst part of my day is trying to come up with something for dinner. I don't even like to cook that much, so the fact that I HAVE to do it everyday is such a challenge for me. Whether you like to cook or not, having a new cookbook can conjure up some excitement for preparing fun meals, right?
My sister-in-law, Susan Bell, has compiled a recipe book that I want everyone to know about. The recipes are awesome and healthy. Even though it is geared toward a gluten-free audience, the recipes are fantastic and tasty and she has tested them on her family, so you know kids will love what you make.
Here is the link below to order the book. Happy cookin and eating!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Stepping up my blogging

So, I've decided I'm a pretty lazy blogger and if I want to make something out of this blog, I need to devote some more time to it. The only way this will happen is if I get my life organized. So, I am on a quest to organize and de-stress my life. We'll see how successful I am and along the way I'll share my tips and thoughts on what I learn, both good and bad.
Also, I will try and post several times a week on a regular basis. I'm hoping to post on Mondays and Thursdays. On Mondays I will post on issues regarding writing, either my own, or other people's writing. I will do interviews, book reviews and share what's happening with my own writing projects. On Thursdays I will post on more personal issues, family updates, things going on that I find interesting or random, or just something I think bloggers might enjoy reading about.
With that said, I will briefly let you know that I am trying desperately to finish the next book in the Butterfly Box series. This book is about Jocelyn. As you know, she has a secret, and in this book you will finally learn what that's all about. This story will update you on what the other girls are doing and also give a little more insight into the mysterious death of their friend Ava. Was it an accident???
I'd love to know your thoughts and what you think is in the little white box that Jocelyn put in the Butterfly box and what you think happend to Ava.
Here we go!!! There's lot's of fun ahead.
Thanks for being awesome friends and fans.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Summer in New York City - GO ANDI!

The results are in . . . my daughter Andi was accepted to the School of American Ballet in New York City with a FULL SCHOLARSHIP!!! There is much freaking out at my house and this means she will spend 5 weeks at Lincoln Center dancing and going to ballets and Broadway shows and shopping!

I am so proud of her and all of her hard work. Hurray for dreams coming true!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Andrea's Dream Come True

My daughter auditioned for SAB last week. It is the School of American Ballet in New York. Her dream is to dance professionally, but also to dance in New York. They came to Salt Lake and held an audition at the University of Utah where she takes dance. At the bottom of my blog is a video of the audition they did for KSL. She is the dancer in the purply blue leotard, the best one there! I will post the results of the audition. I'm so excited for her.

This is a picture of her as the dewdrop fairy in Mountain West Ballet's Nutcracker.

Keep your fingers crossed!

Whitney Awards Finalists 2008

The finalists have been announced for the Whitney Awards.

Best Novel of the Year
Bound on Earth
by Angela Hallstrom

Fool Me Twice
by Stephanie Black

The Hero of Ages (Mistborn, Book Three)
by Brandon Sanderson

Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow
by Jessica Day George

by Sandra Grey

Best Novel by a New Author
Bound on Earth
by Angela Hallstrom

The Reckoning
by Tanya Parker Mills

Spare Change
by Aubrey Mace

by Sandra Grey

Waiting For the Light to Change
by Annette Hawes

Best Romance
Seeking Persephone
by Sarah Eden

Servant to a King
by Sariah Wilson

The Sound of Rain
by Anita Stansfield

Spare Change
by Aubrey Mace

Taking Chances
by Shannon Guymon

Best Mystery/Suspense
Above and Beyond
by Betsy Brannon Green

Do No Harm
by Gregg Luke

Fool Me Twice
by Stephanie Black

by Traci Hunter Abramson

Royal Target
by Traci Hunter Abramson

Best Youth Fiction
The 13th Reality
by James Dashner

Alcatraz vs. The Scrivner's Bones
by Brandon Sanderson

Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague (Book 3)
by Brandon Mull

Farworld: Water Keep
by J. Scott Savage

Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow
by Jessica Day George

Best Speculative Fiction
Ender in Exile
by Orson Scott Card

The Great and Terrible: From the End of Heaven (Vol. 5)
by Chris Stewart

The Hero of Ages (Mistborn, Book 3)
by Brandon Sanderson

The Host
by Stephenie Meyer

The Wyrmling Horde: The Seventh Book of the Runelords
by David Farland

Best Historical
by H. B. Moore

Isabelle Webb, Legend of the Jewel
by N. c. Allen

by Toni Sorenson

The Ruby
by Jennie Hansen

by Sandra Grey

Best General Fiction
Bound on Earth
by Angela Hallstrom

The Reckoning
by Tanya Parker Mills

Waiting For the Light to Change
by Annette Hawes

Fields of Home
by Rachel Ann Nunes

Keeping Keller
by Tracy Winegar

I want to wish all the finalists the best of luck and hope to see some of my favorites win their categories.