Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Releases - Christmas Notes by Clint G. Cox - enter TODAY to win an autographed copy! Also, a new version of Candle in the Window available!

It should be obvious by now that I am a Christmas addict. I love the beautiful decorations, the inspiring music, the uplifting stories, and the wonderful feeling of love and brotherhood that people share. That's why I'm excited to tell you two things.

First . . . the book, Christmas Notes is a wonderful story that has a very special message. Here's a little more info about it.

"Christmas Notes is an emotional life-pondering story that teaches a grand Christmas message." --Merrill Osmond, Entertainer

Bah! Humbug! That is Max’s attitude toward everything, including Christmas. The reason for it is uncertain but it has been building up inside him for a long time. When his wife wants to take an orphan child for one month during the Christmas season, he reluctantly agrees. Feeling inadequate to be a father to an orphan child for a short time and his bad attitude toward the season, he isn’t in the best of moods. After picking up the five-year-old girl from the orphanage, something begins to happen to him. Day by day, his heart begins to soften and his relationship with his wife improves. His attitude begins to change for the better. Could this one small girl affect his life so much? But that’s not all. There’s much more! This precious darling changes everyone’s life.

Book Give-Away October 10 - 17: To win Christmas Notes, leave a comment about this interview with your e-mail. International.
Lave a comment at http://lindaweaverclarke.blogspot.com

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I loved the relationship between Max and his wife. They are such a fun and cute couple. This story is filled with compassion, love, and humor. But make sure you have a hanky ready for those very tender moments. You’ll need it! “Christmas Notes” will touch your heart as it did mine.

Written by Linda Weaver Clarke, author of a historical sweet romance series, “A Family Saga in Bear Lake, Idaho,” and a mystery series, “The Adventures of John and Julia Evans.”


My illustrated book, "A Candle in the Window" is going to be re-released this year in a soft cover, small-sized booklet. It will retail for around $3.50 to $4.00. Perfect price and perfect gift for family, friends, neighbors and teachers. I'm always happy to send autographed copies to you.

Have a great day! Thanks for following my blog.