As part of this exciting venture I spent two days last week with the Valor team of experts and other authors in an extensive and inspiring training. Even after eleven years and nineteen books, I learned a ton of great information and came away feeling so pumped up I thought I would explode!
One of the most memorable moments though was a trip we took to Alexanders Printing where we took a tour of the facility. Valor uses Alexanders to print the ARCs for our books (Advanced Reader Copies) which are sent out to reviewers and other lucky folk who get a sneak peek at the books.
Ryan Young, at Alexanders, was nice enough to give us a tour of the facility. Only authors and other book people would get so excited about seeing big printing machines and the smell of ink and paper. I'm serious, it was intoxicating. Think kids in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and you get the picture. It was fascinating to learn the process a book goes through from the moment they receive the digital text to when it becomes a bound book in one's hands. Like watching the birth of baby. (Again, only an author would really get this)
While we were standing near the machine which puts the covers on the books, someone in our group said, "Hey, look at that." We all looked where they were pointing and there, at the bottom of some random storage bin was a flat cover of my very first book, "An Unexpected Love" completly covered in dust and footprints. Had that one random cover been sitting there for eleven years? Ryan, our awesome guide said he didn't know the answer to that question, but I have to say, there was something significant to the fact that finding my very first book cover there while getting ready to release my first national book made it seem almost too perfect to be a coincidence.

I will post the cover as soon as I get it and I will also post more of the fun details pertaining to the book launch party and my national tour. Who knows, I may show up in a city near you. It would be incredible to meet some of you who live around the country.
You can preorder the book now! Click on the Valor link in the sidebar and order you copy today!
Congratulations! That is so exciting... and reading about the printing tour gave me goosebumps. Thank you for sharing!
Me too, Krista. Goosebumps! I've been wanting to get this book published for ten years!!! It is a dream come true. You are so sweet and awesome.
I can't wait to read your book.
Also, thanks for the endorsement. You have always been one of my favorite writers and one of a select few who inspired my dream of writing a book myself someday.
It feels amazing to have my book endorsed by someone I've thought of as a celebrity. :)
That is amazing!
This is sooooo cool! I wasn't able to make the training due to distance, but am looking forward to the videos, and watching my own "baby" being born!
It really was like kismet, finding that cover, wasn't it?
What an inspirational post! And serendipity finding the cover of your first book. Eow! The publishing Gods were there with you, no doubt!
Congrats on your new book & tour. Enjoy the thrill of it all!!
Michele - That's incredible! How awesome to find one of your past book covers! I sincerely hope you come to Kansas City - or somewhere close - during your book tour. I'll drive out to your signing. If you in KC, you're welcome to stay with us, come for dinner, or anything else we can do for you. I'm so thrilled for you!
So exciting! The cover looks great and your tour sounded like so much fun.
I'm so glad you posted the picture, Michele, of your cover and Ryan. He was so embarrassed to have you find that there!
And I am very glad you found the training worthwhile. Those two days of training came from the minds of two women (Tristi and me) who have been to the mines and back in regards to being an author and what is expected. Your input was valuable, so thank you so much.
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