Friday, October 10, 2008

Halle's Visit - conference weekend

Conference weekend was the best this year. Not only was conference awesome, but we got to have Halle come and visit (her parents came too, of course, but they aren't as fun to play with). She is growing so fast. Even though they only live 45 minutes away from us, we only see her once a week or sometimes not for two weeks! That is grandma torture. I'm amazed at how much she changes each time I see her. My son and daugther-in-law are good at sending me a text picture every day, so I can see her, but this little tyke is on some kind of warp speed growth pattern and seems to get visibly bigger by the week! The best part about the weekend was that grandma got her to laugh. It was a heavenly sound and was music to my ears. I'm telling you, this grandma stuff is really working for me! Here are some precious photos for you of my sweetie pie. (Notice that grandma is not in any of the photos because she's apparently the only person in the family who can take pictures!)

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