Author Diony George is a dedicated wife and mother of seven. Originally from Alaska, she enjoys traveling, cooking, appliqué quilting, and spending time with her family. Through personal experience she’s become passionate about helping those whose lives have been drastically affected by pornography addiction. She currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband Daryl, and their children.
From the back of the book, Torn Apart:
Alyson thinks her life is perfect. Hectic and tiring, of course, but no more so than any other wife and mother of four boys. But with her husband becoming increasingly distant, Alyson wonders if there is something she’s doing wrong. Little does she know that the actions of someone she loves dearly are about to change her life forever. Alyson never imagined it could happen to her, and when it did she realized it could happen to anyone... Based on a true story, Torn Apart is a heartrending inside look at how pornography can rip families apart and shatter the lives of everyone involved. This growing problem can infect any family and often goes unnoticed for years. Full of heartache and courage, Torn Apart provides hope for those affected by pornography by showing that, through God’s love even this devastating addiction can be overcome.

Diony has courageously tackled a topic that is far too prevalent in today's world. Pornography is destroying lives and families. Torn Apart is a powerful account of a woman who watches her own life and her family fall apart because of her husband's choices, and how she puts her life back together. The message is powerful and will enlighten and inform readers about the dangers of pornography.
Here is my interview with Diony:
M.B.: When did you first know you wanted to be an Author?
DIONY: I grew up loving to write, publishing a book wasn’t something I thought much about, until I knew I had to share my story. I grew so much as a writer in the process, I’m well into writing my second novel.
M.B.: What was the pathway like for you to get your first book published?
DIONY: Wow, it was a long pathway! I wrote the book several years ago, had it edited and began to send it out to publishers. Over about a year’s time, maybe a little longer I received rejection letters from everyone I contacted. That was a blow. I set the manuscript aside, not wanting to think about it. After more editing and lots of prayers I decided to try again. People were brought into my life that played a part in the process and gradually things fell into place. With persistent hard work, editing, editing, editing and editing again, I was offered a contract from a publisher within a few days of contacting them.
M.B.: Were you ever discouraged along the way? If so, how did you deal with it?
DIONY: Absolutely! There were times I had to set my manuscript aside and focus on other things because I was so frustrated. At one point I set it aside for close to a year and tried not to think about it. I kept praying to know what the next step was and sometimes I felt nothing. Once the time was right the answers and guidance came.
M.B.: What is your writing schedule like?
DIONY: I try to block out one day a week to write, or a couple of hours each day, depending on how hectic my life is during that time frame.
M.B.: Where do your ideas come from? How do you know the idea is
good enough to write a book about it?
DIONY: My ideas have come from personal experiences, interacting with others, and life in general. Sometimes great ideas pop into my head at random. The best way I’ve found out if an idea is good enough, is to simply start writing. If it is, thoughts begin to flow and the story builds on itself.
M.B.: What words of advice do you have for other writers who desire to
have their manuscripts become books in print?
DIONY: Never give up if you believe you have something worthwhile to share with the world.
M.B.: What is your process of brainstorming a story? Do you just sit
down and write, waiting to see what happens next? Or do you outline
DIONY: I actually do it both ways.
M.B.: Do you ever experience a snag in a story, a form of writer's
block? If so, how do you deal with it?
DIONY: The best way I’ve found to deal with that is to set my manuscript aside and focus on something else. When I’m not trying so hard to figure out what to write, the ideas start flowing again.
M.B.: Do you need absolute quiet to write? Do you listen to music when
you are writing?
DIONY: I prefer quiet when I write but as a mother of seven, that doesn’t happen a lot. I don’t listen to music when I write.
M.B.: Who has made the greatest difference for you as a writer?
DIONY: I would have to say my mother, and my husband. They both help me in different ways but most of all, they’ve believed in me, when I didn’t.
M.B.: Do you use a critique group during the writing process? Why or why not?
DIONY: I haven’t used a formal critique group per say, but I do have several readers give me their feedback. It makes a big difference in the editing process.
M.B.: Where can our readers go to find your book and order it?
DIONY: Torn Apart is on several well known book seller online sites, including Amazon.com. Deseret Book and Seagull Book and Tape also carry it in their stores.
If you want an autographed copy you can order from my website http://tornapartbyporn.com or my blog http://DIONY-george.blogspot.com
Also, because I truly have mush for brains lately, the winner of the Linda Weaver Clarke book giveaway is . . . Jewel Adams. I made an error in the giveaway (I know how much this shocks you) and the book that is being given is Melinda and the Wild West. It is a wonderful book and is part of the same series. Congratulations Jewel. Please email me with your mailing address and Linda will send your book to you.

I bet the book "Torn Apart By Porn" is a difficult read, especially because I know others who have had to deal with similar issues. I am very interested in reading this book, I just hope my heart can handle it. This is such a prevelant and painful problem in our society. I am grateful that it is being addressed in this book because I know women need to feel they can relate to other women and that they aren't alone.
Excellent interview--I always enjoy your interviews.
Difficult subject, but one we need to deal with, unfortunately.
Torn Apart is a very powerful book. I purchased it for a friend of mine who is dealing with pornography in her marriage. It was interesting for her to read and identify with the feelings and thoughts the main character has. She and her husband are in counseling and working to keep their marriage together - but this book was something that encouraged her, knowing that her feelings of betrayal and grief were not selfish or unusual. Thank you for writing about such a difficult topic.
Great interview, as always.
I read a post on the subject of pornography on the Segullah blog just yesterday. It is a timely topic, one we need to discuss and help combat in any way possible. Glad to know this book is available!
Thanks Michelle for the interview--you are an inspiration to me. I'm glad to read the comments that my book is helping others, that makes writing such a personal and difficult story so worth it!
Wow! Sounds like a difficult, yet inspiring story. I can't wait to read it. Great interview as well.
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