"What's On My Nightstand" is a brand new feature that will appear occasionally on Tuesdays as I come across books I want to showcase or share with you that I have found particularly fun, interesting or just plain awesome!
I'm starting with one of my favorites.
"The Hidden Branch" written by G.G. Vandagriff. This book is the most recent in the Alex and Briggie series which also includes; Cankered Roots, Of Deadly Descent, Tangled Roots, and Poisoned Pedigree.

Here is the backliner from The Hidden Branch.
The genealogical sleathing skills of Alexandra Campbell and her business associate, Brighamina Poulson, are put to spine-tingling use when the murder of Armenian-American billionaire inventore Paul Mardian takes them to Huntington Beach, California--Surf City, USA--in search of the dead man's heirs. Briggie, however, is immediately smitten with ideas of wet suits and boogie boards.
Alex believes the killer is a relative of the victim, but her pursuit of the turth nearly costs another life--her own.
So many suspects, so little time. Could it be the real estate tycoon with the tropy wife? The pompous attorney who spends every cent he makes on high living? The professor of Middle Eastern studies with a penchant for Armenian antiquities? Or even the darkly handsome surf shop owner, who has more than a passing interest in Alex?
While her fiance struggles with a crisis of faith, Alex searches for answers, putting her life on the line yet again to discover the missing link that will solve this captivating mystery.
I absolutely loved this book and could not put it down once I started reading it! It's fun but intense and the twists and turns kept me guessing right up till the very end. I enjoyed the complex relationships between her usual characters and actually found myself worrying over them! GG really knows how to capture the reader's heart and keep the tension high all the way throughout the story. Even though I was satisfied at the end, I found myself hoping that there will be more books in the series. This is a great book for anyone interested in mysteries or genealogy, or both!
WIN A COPY!!! If you would like to win a free copy of this book, please post a comment and I will choose a winner.
ANOTHER GIVEAWAY: Also, Linda Weaver Clark has generously offered to give a copy of her book, Jenny's Dream. Here's a quote from the book:

"It was a secret that she had kept from her family for years, something that was even too difficult to admit aloud. Jenny needed to forgive. But it was a difficult task to forgive those who had hurt her so deeply. The scars were too deep, and she continued to nurse them along. She felt certain the only solution was to run away."
~Jenny's Dream, Linda Weaver Clarke
To win a copy please post a comment about this book. Linda will choose a winner from those comments.
Next week -- SHUDDER by Jennie Hansen
Both of those sound like great books. I'll have ta add them to the list:-)
Me, me! I want a copy! I love that series. :-)
Both of these books sound interesting... and would make fun stocking stuffers for my wife and girls. I would probably read them too. :)
I didn't read fiction for years and years and it was only when I picked up a copy of "A Modest Proposal" and read it that I fell in love with fiction! Before that I didn't believe I could learn anything from fiction books and I believed I had to always be reading a book that I could "learn" something from. I was amazed at how much I learned from reading "A Modest Proposal" as well as my daughter. Thank you for writing such a wonderful book.
Having said that, I am constantly searching for good fiction books to read. Any books I read, my other family members tend to read as well as we are all avid readers and always talk about our most recent read. When you mentioned you couldn't put down "The Hidden Branch" that sparked my interest because I love your books and the way you tell a story. If you love it and couldn't put it down, it is something I am definately interested in reading.
"Jennie's Dream" also caught my attention with the segment from it that is written on your blog. I have a teenager who is living with me right now that has some struggles from their past, and I would like to see how things work out for Jennie. Secrets and hidden pain are never fun, and it intrigues me to find out if she is able to work through her pain and heal.
Thanks so much for your blog, I enjoy reading the different interviews you have with authors.
Have a great day! :)
Always on the look out for new books, Michele. Thanks! I posted your contest on my blog.
I've been meaning to read The Hidden Branch. I love her books. The other book sounds interesting to. A persons reading pile can never be too big, can it? :)
Books are the only things I love to get. I think books are way better than jewlery :) I'm looking for new books to read would love to read one of those. You probably don't remember me but I've met you 3 times now at that seagull book thing they have for women. I can't wait for your sencond book to come out for the Butterfly box.
Thanks for showcasing these books. I've been anxious to check out GG's "Hidden Branch." It sounds like a great bedtime treat, and Linda's book is a new title that I'll be looking into as well. Great review!
Michelle, I love the title, "What's on my nightstand?" So clever! I enjoy reading your blog and the comments left by others. As alwyas, thanks for your recommendations.
You are the perfect reviewer! You know what's good! Let me win, I would love a copy!
Yay! The contest is on. Thanks for all your awesome posts, people.
As for my next Butterfly Box book, entitled, "Hometown Girl" I still don't have a release date. But the day I do, I will post it and have one big celebration!
I'm just glad y'all want more. Thanks.
I loved G.G.'s "Last Waltz" and have been eyeing "Hidden Branch" at the store. I would love to win it! I love the nightstand idea. Thanks for sharing!
I love GG Vandagriff's stories. Enter me in to win.
Enter me to win Second Chances. It sounds like a great book.
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