My daughter, Andrea is the one being lifted in the center.
I have two important things to blog about and I don't want to wait until next week because I am a tad bit impatient and I'm also excited to share. (shocker to those of you who know me, I'm sure)
First, the Draper Temple Celebration. I have dubbed that experience a spiritual Disneyland. It was so incredibly entertaining as well as unbelievably spiritual. Because I am in the Stake Young Women presidency I got to hear about the celebration back in February. The meeting was attended by all the stake representatives from stakes that would feed into both the Draper Temple and Oquirrh Mountain Temple Districts. When we left the meeting everyone pretty much looked like deer in headlights. How could we possibly put together this ginormous celebration by the end of MAY???
It was a major undertaking and so many hours were spent in preparation. The theme was "What Will You Give?" The youth were asked to think of something they would do to help them prepare for the temple, some kind of sacrifice they could make. These kids really caught the vision. Amazing leaders gave tirelessly to make this happen.
Sitting in the audience, listening to President Monson share his vision of why he felt the celebration was important, filled that giant Conference Center with the strongest spirit, it was electric. Each stake who performed was prepared, excited and practically flawless. It was an honor to be there. I will never forget it. And neither will the youth who participated in it.
NEXT . . .
Total change of tone. I am asking for your help with my next book. One of the characters in my Butterfly Box series is going to be a participant on a show similar to the Bachelor. I need to come up with character sketches for about 25 girls, to be participants on the show with her. These girls need to range from nicey-nice, to full on witchy-witches. Rather than come up with these characters all by myself, I think it would be fun to have you guys create characters for me to use. All you need to do is give her a name, a brief physical description (height, hair color, eye color, build) and brief character sketch, i.e., Samantha, 5 foot 7 inches, honey blonde hair cut in a chin length bob, big blue eyes, athletic and outdoorsy, works as an event planner. Competitive, friendly, but very driven and won't let anything get in her way of getting what she wants.
If you would like to create a character, or two, or three, send them in to me. I will also list your name in the front of my book in the acknowledgements.
So be creative. The quirkier the better.
Michelle, I found your blog a little while ago, I just wanted to tell you that I am a huge fan, and to keep up the good work! I really think it would be fun to create a character... Thanks!
Paige M.
Model one after me!!!!! This is such a great idea I love it! See you this weekend!
That is so awesome you can see your daughter! She is beautiful :) I am so thankful we got to be a part of this! ♥ HUGS ♥
How fun to participate in the Temple activities!!
A character huh? Oh I so wish I was creative. Do they have to be "members" of the church? I can tell you all about me when I was a puppy....
What a great photo of your airborne daughter!
Love the photo and quote in the header.
Hi Michele
I think you need a cynthia... strawberry blonde hair, marathon runner, blue eyes, very social and the life of the party, 30ish. You could have all my sisters.... Denise a petite little thing, working on her master's degree in HR, loves a party and food. Andrea... a no-nonsense girl who has some close friends and enjoys life. Tonya.. a entrepreneur in her 30's who loves the corporate world and the fast paced life but secretly wants to live in the country and go back to simplicity. Hugs from Idaho, Tonya
Hi Michele - I've emailed you some character sketches! This book sounds so awesome! I can't wait to see it on the shelves.
I have also sent some sketches...
Are you still looking for more?
Jennifer H
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